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K & Y Carpet One Services

Dustless Tile Removal Services

At K&Y Carpet One Floor & Home we help you with choosing new flooring, installing new flooring, and removing old flooring. Our goal is to be your one-stop-shop when it comes to all things flooring and home. Our local flooring experts are here to help you with any questions you may have.


We over special dust free flooring removal services. Remove old tile or wood flooring that was previously glued or concrete bonded to the original subfloor. Having this process professionally done is not only time and cost effective, but it’ll be done right so you will not see subfloor imperfections show through on your new flooring.


We contract outside companies that bring in chipping equipment to bring up the tile, and they use a vacuum and filtration system that will keep your home dust free through the entire process.




Getting a dust free installation takes three easy steps:


1. Stop in-store to select your new flooring


2. Measure & Quote


        We work within your budget to quote you an accurate price upon an in-home measure


3. Dust-Free Demo on Existing Flooring & Floor Installation


Floor removal is a tedious task, and the timing of the project depends upon how hard the old flooring is to come up. We recommend scheduling your removal services for early morning or afternoons to have beautifully polished concrete floor to install your new flooring on in one day.


As always, we do not install or use materials that have been purchased outside of our store.


To learn more about Dustless Tile Removal, contact K&Y Carpet One Floor & Home or visit our showroom in Melbourne, FL. 



belterra natural white tile

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